Gerry Faust

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The Faust Legacy

I had the pleasure of interviewing in studio former Notre Dame coach Gerry Faust and for those few hours I was able to acquaint myself with the man behind the battle scars that being a college football coach in South Bend can lance upon those who pace the sidelines in the shadows of Touchdown Jesus. To better understand this man you must... [Read more...]

Fr. Joe Fitzgerald

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Fr. Michael Lightner

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Chris Godfrey

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Could Tebow hear John Paul II?

What celebrity in Denver stated: “Do not be afraid to go out on the streets and into public places. … This is no time to be ashamed of the Gospel. It is the time to preach it from the rooftops.” If you’ve been following the Tim Tebow phenomenon, that’s an easy answer: It’s the former Broncos quarterback. Guess again. The... [Read more...]